Sunday, June 30, 2013

Internetless Week

Tomorrow begins another chapter of this journey: a week at a yoga retreat center overlooking Golden Bay. I've been looking forward to this for a long time, and although I have spent many hours in yoga centers on retreat, this one promises to be special. For the location, for the company of like-minded souls and for the Swami who resides there.

I met Swami Muktadharma in Baltimore many years ago and he impressed me deeply. My first encounter with him involved a set of rollerblades. He was sitting in the front room of Yama Studio and was asking his assistant to help him find a pair so that he might go skating down York Road, saffron robes trailing behind. I've intended to study with him in NZ ever since.

Anahata Yoga Center is off the grid, so there will be no internet service for me (or anyone else). It's been a long time since I've gone without my daily twitter fix, but somehow I'm looking forward to the break. Hopefully I'll have time to do some writing while I'm there.

In the meantime, stay well and know that you are all in my thoughts!

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